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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Marinhas Tropicais – PPGCMT

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Self-evaluation 2020

The PPGCMT has a system for monitoring its graduates as a way to verify the quality of training and entry into the labor market. Thus, a google docs form was sent to all graduates from the 2017-2020 quadrennium. Forty-one responses were obtained, from which it was possible to obtain the following information: Of the graduates who answered the questionnaire, 29 (70%) had completed their doctorate and 12 (30%) had completed their master’s degree in the program. It is noteworthy from the analysis that most of the graduates rated the program, its professors and advisors with grades higher than 7 (scale from 0 to 10), and 70% of them rated the program with grades 9 or 10; and that most of the graduates “would certainly recommend” (63.4%) or “would. recommend” (29.3%) the PPGCMT courses to colleagues.

Also based on the answers, it was possible to affirm that the graduates of the PPGCMT are satisfied with their training and with the results of their training. As for their professional activities, 75.8% of the former PhD program graduates are employed, 65.5% in their field of study and 10.3% in another field. Only 13.8% are unemployed. It is important to highlight that the questionnaire reflects a recent universe (2017-2020). Even so, many graduates already have scientific autonomy and have their own projects and are guiding undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students. As part of the quadrennial period that is now beginning (2021-2024), it is expected to have a broader picture of the situation of graduates in recent decades. In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the current coordinator and vice-coordinator of the PPGCMT are graduates of the program, having done their master’s degrees in it.

Click here to see the results of the 2020 Self-Evaluation


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