VI Edição 2023 – Tidal seas – how do the rising tides influence life in the tropics?
Living under the influence of tides is not an easy task. Even so, different ecosystems have found a way of thriving and play vital roles in maintaining biodiversity and providing essential services. Mangroves, sandy beaches, seagrass meadows, saltmarshes, and reefs are some of those ecosystems, each one with unique features as well as a plethora of goods and services worth giving a closer look at, such as being highly productive and blue carbon sinks. Nowadays, they are all threatened by different stressors related to global climate change and human impacts, factors that sum up to the ecological drivers that have sharpened them for centuries. In this strict balance between life and death, enduring and vanishing, they can provide nature-based solutions to help us deal with the socioecological crisis we are facing nowadays.
This year, the 6th Fortaleza Austral Spring School will be held on November 13-17th, 2023, with the theme “Tidal seas – how do the rising tides influence life in the tropics?”. The theme will be approached in lectures, debates, and practical courses with some of the best specialists in those ecosystems.
The School will start with two days dedicated to lecture sessions and panel discussions, both held online with the support of AirCentre. Then, students will have three days dedicated to field courses. This year, three field courses will be run in parallel, each focusing on different methodologies for studying mangroves, reefs, and seagrass meadows.
Organizing committee: Tallita Tavares, Luiz Drude de Lacerda, Alexander Ferreira, Emerson Arruda, Tommaso Giarrizzo.